Success Stories

Hoya and General Óptica magnify their message via Spotify audio and video ads

HOYA Corporation and General Óptica had a vision for their audio and video campaign in Spain. Media agency marketinhouse helped them bring their ideas to life.

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When the time came to develop a campaign for MiYOSMART, an innovative solution for children's myopia, HOYA Corporation and retail chain General Óptica had a vision. By enlisting the help of Madrid-based marketing agency Marketinhouse, the companies made a joint effort to reach parents who prioritize their children's health and eyesight.

Media mix:

Brand vertical: Agency/Retail
Objective: Brand Awareness
Target audience: Parents Ages 35-54
Targeting used: Interest, Age, Broad Targeting
Market: Spain
Flight dates: 10/24/22–12/08/22
Format(s): Audio, Video

The Brief:

HOYA, General Óptica, and Marketinhouse wanted to make parents aware of a new product offering—specialized MiYOSMART lenses, which not only correct myopia but also help minimize the condition's progression. The brands hoped to gain a high level of visibility among target customers and engage listeners with compelling and memorable ad creative.

The small business advertising campaign needed to speak directly to parents of school-age children. The hope was that parents would visit the campaign website to find the nearest General Óptica location, visit the retail store, and pick up HOYA's MiYOSMART lenses for their child.

The Solution:

The campaign was a prime example of how SMBs can work with agencies to leverage Spotify's exciting audio and video advertising options. Marketinhouse didn't want to settle for a nearsighted approach—so they leveraged Spotify Ad Studio to clearly stand out from the competition.

The agency created two different groups of ads with the same targeting features in order to take advantage of both audio and video. They segmented their audiences to target listeners based on interests like parenting, health and lifestyle, science and medicine, cooking, teaching, books, podcasts, culture and society, and more. They also targeted listeners' musical tastes, which include Latin music, a popular choice among parents in Spain.

Timing was a key part of the campaign's success: The ads overlapped with the back-to-school season, which is when many parents routinely have their children's vision checked.

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The Impact:

Our research shows that Spotify audio ads can drive +14% greater attentive seconds (the amount of time an audience is actively engaged and paying attention), while video ads can produce +155% greater attentive seconds compared to the platform average.1 The MiYOSMART campaign clearly showcased this potential impact, reaching millions of target customers and resulting in high listen-through and completion rates.

Overall campaign results:

  • 9.7M+

    impressions with a 0.10% clickthrough rate (CTR)

  • 1.2M

    Audio reach, with a listen-through/completion rate of 98%

  • 600K

    Video reach, with a listen-through/completion rate of 93%

The Takeaway:

The MiYOSMART campaign is a great example of how Spotify ads can benefit SMBs by boosting exposure to their products. Dabbling in both audio and video—and enlisting the help of marketing professionals—can help make your message crystal clear.

To see the results of digital audio and video advertising for yourself, check out Ad Studio today.


  1. "Unlocking the Currency of Attention," dentsu International. October 2021