
Sonic Science: Your brain on music

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Music has been an essential part of life since the beginning of civilization. But how does it affect the brain? Watch part one of Spotify’s Sonic Science video series to hear from the experts, and download our one-sheet with takeaways for advertisers.

624 participants. 9.7K minutes of music. New findings for advertisers on why music matters.

Ever hear a song that brings you right back to a certain moment? Or wonder why you can’t remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday, but you do remember every word to that chart-topping rap song from ten years ago? Or why the right playlist makes doing your chores…kinda fun? We wanted to learn more about music’s impact on our brains and subconscious, so Spotify partnered with research firm Neuro-Insight to create Sonic Science, our largest study to date of how music—including different genres—triggers engagement, emotional intensity, memory, and more. For listeners, music helps get in touch with their emotions, boost their mood, and connect with others. For advertisers, it’s a powerful environment for reaching audiences at the right time, when they’re primed and ready to remember your message.

  • 96%

    of participants agreed music lifts their mood

    Source: Neuro-Insight Power of Audio Post SST Survey, June 2021, N=273, % people agree with the statement
  • 88%

    of participants said music makes the mundane more interesting

    Source: Neuro-Insight Power of Audio Post SST Survey, June 2021, N=273, % people agree with the statement

Download the rest of the research

Download the one-sheet to explore the rest of the research behind why music is one of the most engaging forms of media—and how brands can make the most of digital audio.

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