Culture Compass


How Halloween sounds on Spotify.

Understand the moment

Ghouls just want to have fun during the Halloween season. Sorry, we had to. With over 2 million Halloween-themed playlists on Spotify, curated screams and shouts keep the party going.

Listeners also turn to heady true crime podcasts to get into the spirit. And apparently revisiting your past makes for a spooky time—we see an increase in streams of classic oldies during this season, too.

More streams with a few extra screams

  • 30%

    Killer parties

    +30% increase in party playlist streams on Halloween compared to the October daily average

  • 55%

    Get nostalgic

    +55% increase in Oldies streams from September - October 2019

  • 45%

    Crime time

    +45% increase in true crime podcast streams during the month of October
  • 75%

    Ladies first

    +75% of true crime podcast listeners are women*

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Sponsor one of Spotify’s top Halloween playlists

You were working in the lab late one night, you say? Reach listeners in the spooky spirit and get your message heard on one of Spotify’s top Halloween playlists. Listeners are jamming out to everything from monster classics to collections inspired by Día de Muertos.

*Source: Spotify First-Party Data, Global, 2020.

Campaign ideas and inspiration

Add some fright factor

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