
New Year New You: How Spotify listeners stream to reach their fitness goals

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Time to get that heart rate up. A new year, a new you—in whatever shape you want to be. But first? Music. And for that, there’s Spotify.

Whether it’s fun runs at the park, a new gym routine, strength-building yoga, or muddy bike rides at the weekend, the new year for many is a time to set new fitness goals, and hit the ground running.

And to keep us on track, there’s no better motivator than music.1

First off, listening to music while working out is nothing new—we all feel better when our favourite jam is helping us power through—but soundtracked workouts really take off at the start of the year.

In January 2023, we saw a notable 62% increase in workout playlist streams vs December 2022, and a 57% increase in yoga playlist streams for the same period, in the UK.2 Which suggests that Spotify listeners are serious about sticking to their fitness goals. So we decided to dig a little deeper and find out how their wellness and streaming journey plays out through the first three months of the year (Q1 2022), compared to the final three months of the year before (Q4 2021).

It turns out Spotify is a reliable workout companion way beyond January, which creates an extended, hyper-contextualised audience targeting opportunity for advertisers promoting health-, wellness- and fitness-related products.

Grab your trainers and let’s run those numbers...

The workout moment

Our workout playlists* are packed full of bouncy, high-tempo tunes to help get people in the zone—a great context for brands with a similarly upbeat personality. In Q1 2022, workout streams increased by 35% compared with Q4 2021, as listeners dug deep into their fitness plans.3

The weightlifting moment

Being lean doesn’t necessarily mean committing to a full-blown cardio workout routine. Building core strength through weightlifting is another big fitness goal at this time of year—and another activity that plays out on Spotify playlists like Beast Mode, Gym UK, and Rap Workout.

Weightlifting* streams jumped 32% from Q4 2021 to Q1 20224, and were higher between January and March than any other three-month period in 2022.

The biking moment

For bikers, the colder months are a great time to hit the roads, hills and dirt tracks to get that heart rate up—all that fresh air is good for the lungs, and those lycra shorts aren’t going to wear themselves. In fact—according to how they stream—bikers don’t let weather stand in their way whatever the season, and that’s great news for health and fitness brands with always-on audio advertising strategies.

Biking playlist* streams jumped 8% from Q4 2021 to Q1 2022, and a further 8% in Q2 2022.5

The yoga moment

You don’t have to work up a sweat to work out. With a progressive routine, yoga can do wonderful things for your physical and mental wellbeing. The pace may be slower, but music can still be a great source of motivation when you’re trying desperately to hold that Taraksvasana (if you don’t know it, Google it, and prepare for a shock).

Yoga playlist* streams leaped 35% in Q1 2022, compared with the previous quarter, and—like biking—continued upwards in Q2 2022, seeing a further 5% lift.6 This tells us that Spotify listeners are sticking to the plan, and hitting their fitness goals in time for the summer.

The next step for advertisers…

These streaming insights highlight a key opportunity for advertisers: Create a targeted campaign for your fitness- and wellbeing-related brand that reaches your audience at a contextually relevant moment, when they’re primed to hear about products or services that will help them achieve their goals.

Listening to music while exercising is a great way for anyone to keep their fitness goals on track, and Spotify is a trusted companion for providing personalised playlists that advertisers can target in their media plans. Playlists like Beast Mode, Motivation Mix, Power Workout, and Yoga & Meditation are an ideal fit—and you could even sponsor one of them.

A new year, a new you… a new or renewed approach to advertising? Create your first or next ad today with Spotify Ad Studio, our self-serve advertising platform designed for all brands and business sizes.

Moments are defined based on keywords from Spotify-created playlist titles and descriptions, as well as Spotify editorial category classifications.


  1. Crowd DNA & Spotify, Seize The Moments survey among 4,800 Spotify users 18-44 in AU, BR, DE, MX, UK, US, April 2019
  2. Spotify Internal Data, Dec '22 vs Jan '23, Free users, UK (to date)
  3. Spotify Internal Data, Q1 2022, Free users, Global
  4. Spotify Internal Data, Q1 2022, Free users, Global
  5. Spotify Internal Data, Q1 2022, Free users, Global
  6. Spotify Internal Data, Q1 2022, Free users, Global