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Campaign management on Ad Studio
Edits that require ad re-approval
Certain edits to your ad sets and ads require re-approval from the Ad Studio team before they go live. Once these edits to an ad or ad set are submitted, the current ad will be paused for 24-to 48-hours while it is reviewed. You’ll be notified by email once your ad is approved.
The following changes to your ad sets require re-approval from the Ad Studio team to comply with our advertising policy:
- Age targeting
- Location targeting (Please note that location targeting can only be changed within the same country)
The following changes to your ads require re-approval from the Ad Studio team to comply with our advertising policy:
- Audio or video file
- Companion image
- Clickthrough URL
More campaign management help:
- Campaigns, ad sets, and ads
- Drafts
- Duplication
- Pausing or resuming a campaign, ad set, or ad
- Edit a campaign, ad set, or ad
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