Success Stories

Kingsford and Dispatch light up summer grilling

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Kingsford and Dispatch lit up summer grilling and drove sales with a custom campaign.

  • 7%


    7% lift in awareness of Kingsford compared to control.
  • 84%


    84% lift in likelihood to consider Kingsford for your next barbecue compared to control.
  • 7%

    Purchase intent

    7% lift in purchase consideration per household exposed to the campaign.


Kingsford was looking to increase Purchase Consideration for Match Light Charcoal. They wanted to reach their core audience — male millennials interested in casual grilling — with a message around their summer campaign. They came to Spotify because they knew that summer grilling and music go together like other perfect combinations of the season such as ketchup and mustard.


Spotify used streaming intelligence (our secret sauce of first-party, contextual data on users mood, mindsets, tastes and habits) to find out which key artists aligned with the Kingsford audience and the summer vibe. Dispatch came up at the top of the list of bands that resonated with male millennial casual grillers.

In the past, Kingsford campaigns featured country artists. Even though this Indie Roots band was a departure from Kingsford’s previous strategy, the strong connection found in Spotify’s data pointed the campaign in a fun new direction.

Dispatch recorded custom interviews and audio ads for Kingsford, and also compiled playlists of some of their favourite grilling and summer-related songs. A custom ear-catching audio series drove music fans to the playlists experience page, and media heavy-ups surrounded key summer grilling moments like weekends and holiday.


  • Over half of listeners said the ads they saw and heard positively increased their interest in Kingsford Match Light, a whopping 2.1x higher than the household supplies benchmark.
  • Kingsford saw an 7% lift in brand consideration after the campaign.
Formats: Audio, Overlay Market: US LeanLab, 201 Sample size: 862 Spotify listeners, Nielsen Catalina Solutions, 2017