Ad Specs

Video ad specs & requirements

Video ad specs

The specs and requirements listed here apply no matter how you place your video ad buy, whether through managed services (direct IO, programmatic) or via self-service with Spotify Ads Manager.

Spotify is able to accept any creative up to 30-seconds.

Note: Long-form video ads are offered in select markets for Direct IO & Programmatic Guaranteed campaigns, and can accept any creative up to 60-seconds. Normal specifications and requirements for this offering are the same with the exception of ad length.

The advertiser’s name should be no more than 25 characters.

Call to action (CTA) options:

  • Apply now
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Serve video ads across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

Click below to download template files to see how your creative will look on mobile:

  1. Product Template-Transparent-FIT to Device.png
  2. Specs-NPV-Vertical Margins.png

Aspect Ratio:
-Portrait 9:16
-Landscape 16:9

Note: For desktop, we can only accept 16:9 landscape assets. This includes Video Takeover Everywhere, which is available for Direct.

File Types:
-.MOV, MP4
-WebM accepted for programmatic Desktop campaigns

-RMS normalized to -14 dBFS
-Peak normalized to -0.2 dBFS

Max file size
-500 MB

-HD 720x1280 or similar (portrait)
-HD 1280x720 or similar (landscape)

Programmatic compliance:
VAST 2.0: All elements within VAST must make secure calls via https. Must not entail: JavaScript, VPAID, Survey tags/DMP pixels

  • Click command
  • All 3rd party tags and tracking URLs need to be in https format.
  • Max of 3 impression / measurement pixels.
  • URLs need to be in https format.

Note: 3rd party tracking is only available for buys placed through direct IO.

Must provide clickthrough URL (only one clickthrough URL can be used).

  • No black bars (no letter-boxing, pillar-boxing, or window-boxing).
  • No interlaced videos.
  • Frame rate should be NTSC or PAL compatible.
  • Video must be submitted without leaders (no slates, countdowns, etc.).
  • All files must include sound - no silent videos will be accepted.

Companion display ad specs

A display ad unit is another visual element of your desktop video ad that gives listeners another way to engage with your message during an ad break.

1x Companion Image

  • Aspect Ratio: 1x1
  • Dimensions: 640x640
  • File type: JPEG, .PNG


  • Image dimensions: 300X250, 301x301 - DV360 only
  • File type: JPEG

  • Click command and 1x1 tracking pixel only.
  • All third-party tags and tracking URLs need to be in HTTPS format.
  • Video and companion display units are tracked together (clicks and impressions).

Ads Manager allows third-party tracking via DCM impression tags.

  • Advertisers must provide a clickthrough URL (please use only one destination URL).
  • URLs should direct to HTTPS destinations only.
  • Creative may include call-to-action.

Logo Specs

Know the technical requirements:

1x Logo Image

Aspect Ratio: 1x1
Dimensions: 640x640
File type: JPEG, .PNG

For Ads Manager and Direct IO only.

Tagline Specs

Tagline is intended to enforce the message of your video ad.

40 characters maximum

For Ads Manager and Direct IO only.

Looking for something a little more custom? Let's talk.