Sonic Science: Why sound matters for your brand

Volume two

How digital audio amplifies listeners’ everyday experiences

For the second volume of Sonic Science, Spotify partnered with MindProber to further investigate the science of sound. This time around, we conducted biometric research to learn more about how audio affects the body, mood, and activity of listeners.
unmute audio
Volume One

Intro to Sonic Science

For the first edition of Sonic Science, Spotify partnered with the research team at Neuro-Insight, a leading firm in the field of cognitive research, to break down why sound has such a distinct impact on the brain.
unmute audio

All ears on you: What it means for brands

In today’s crowded media landscape, advertisers are finding it increasingly difficult to break through. But through the Spotify Advertising experience, fusing the power of personalised audio and interactivity with the science of sound, advertisers have the chance to connect with their audience in a meaningful context while they’re deeply immersed in what they’re listening to.


How does music affect the brain

Recent advances in neuroscience show us that sounds actually impact us through every key centre of the brain—affecting the emotional, memory, and engagement centres alike.
unmute audio

The Spotify Edge

Spotify’s extensive product features are built for interactivity and personalisation which results in a boost in engagement metrics. But it turns out, those qualities didn’t just lift Spotify above other audio formats.

Our partner’s research found that the Spotify experience drove higher engagement than TV, digital video, and social media as well. That’s a testament to the power of audio: Spotify’s deeply personalised platform seems to create a more engaging experience than watching a TV show on the couch or passively scrolling through social feeds.