Promoting music on Ad Studio
Reporting for music-related ads in Australia
Your ad campaign's performance data can be accessed via your Ad Studio account. These metrics provide insight into who your ads have been served to and which users chose to listen to your ad in full. Check out our guide to understanding your campaign results for more on how to use these stats to help you make decisions about your ads.
Here’s what you’ll see:
- Ad listens: The total number of times your ads within the ad set was played in full. You only pay for completed listens, not total impressions.
- Reach of ad listens: The total number of users who listened to your ads within the ad set in full.
- Frequency of ad listens: The average number of times each user listened to your ads within the ad set in full.
- Impressions: Total number of ads within the ad set served.
- Reach: The number of people who heard your ads within the ad set.
- Frequency: The average number of times each person heard your ads within the ad set.
- Ad listen rate: The percentage of listens out of the total number of impressions within the ad set.
- Clicks: Number of clicks to your ads within the ad set received.
- CTR: The clickthrough rate of how many clicks your ads within the ad set received compared to how many people heard your ads within the ad set.
Artist results
- Listeners: The number of people who streamed the artist after they heard the ads within the ad set in full.
- Streams per listener: The average number of times each listener streamed the artist after hearing the ads within the ad set in full. Calculated as Streams from listeners / listeners.
- Listener conversion rate: The percentage of people who streamed the artist after hearing the ads within the ad set in full. Calculated as Listeners / reach.
- New listeners: The number of people who streamed the artist after hearing the ads within the ad set in full, who hadn’t listened to the artist in the pre-exposure window.
- Streams per new listener: The average number of times each new listener streamed the artist after hearing the ads within the ad set in full. Calculated as Streams from new listeners / new listeners.
- New listener conversion rate: The percentage of people who became new listeners, out of all the people who heard the ads within the ad set in full and hadn’t listened to the artist in the pre-exposure window. Calculated as New listeners / Reach - Existing listeners.
- Intent rate: The percentage of listeners who took actions showing intent to stream the artist again in the future. Actions include saving the artist’s music by tapping the heart icon or adding it to a playlist. Calculated as Number of listeners who also saved or added to playlist / listeners.
- Pre-exposure window: The 28 days before a person heard the ads within the ad set in full.
- Conversion window: The 14 days after a person heard the ads within the ad set in full, where their actions are considered related to the campaign and are counted as a conversion.
- Campaign window: The flight dates of the ad set, plus 14 days post-campaign. This is the full amount of time during which user actions are observed to calculate conversions.
Audience insights
- Listeners and new listeners*: Compare the makeup of different audiences between people who listened to the ad in full (% of impressions) and those who streamed your music (% of listeners/new listeners). Looking at a specific demographic, if the percentage of listeners or new listeners is higher than the percentage of impressions, then you know that audience was particularly likely to stream your music after hearing your ads.
Here's an example: let’s say you run an ad set for €1,000 that got 100 listeners. If 48% of impressions within the ad set were listened to in full by 18-24 year olds, that means €480 of your budget went to that age group. If you got 60% of your listeners from that demographic, that’s 60 listeners, or €8 per listener in this demographic. If 15% of impressions were listened to in full by 35-44 year olds and only 8% of listeners came from this demographic (€150 spent and 8 listeners), then that category cost €18.75 per listener. This means 18-24 year olds are your more cost-effective audience.
- Average streams: See which audiences had the highest number of streams per listener and streams per new listener. For example, if you know male listeners streamed on average 50% more than female listeners, you might adjust your approach to target men at a higher rate.
- Conversion rate: See which audiences were most likely to become listeners and new listeners. The audiences with the highest conversion rates are most likely to listen to your music.
- Intent rate: Understand how audiences of different demographics took actions showing intent to stream the artist again in the future, like saving it or adding it to a playlist. The group with the highest intent rate was most likely to take these actions after hearing your ad in full and listening to your music.
More help promoting music:
- Promoting music and artists
- Promotion type
- Targeting
- Reporting
- Conversion window
- Targeting new listeners
- Population of metrics